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The Importance Of Visiting A Dentist During Pregnancy

Hello, my name is Karla Madison and this is my blog about the importance of dental care during pregnancy. When I was pregnant with my second child, my gums would bleed when I brushed my teeth. I went to my dentist and he told me that I had pregnancy gingivitis. He also informed me that this is a common condition for pregnant women because their hormones are changing during pregnancy. I followed the instructions of my dentist and my gums stopped bleeding and were healthy again. I also started doing research about the importance of dental care during pregnancy. If you're pregnant, you should read this blog to learn why it's so important to keep up with dental care while pregnant. This blog will give you the information you need so that you can have healthy teeth and gums during your pregnancy.



The Importance Of Visiting A Dentist During Pregnancy

How Can You Help Your Body Osseointegrate Your New Dental Implants?

by Rose Hale

After you have dental implants inserted in your jaw bone, a process called osseointegration takes place. Throughout this process, your jaw bone basically fuses with the implant. This has to happen in order for the implant to become stable in your jaw, like a natural tooth root would be. For the most part, osseointegration takes place on its own, and it is typically complete within a few months. However, there are a few things you can do to help support your body during this time and ensure osseointegration occurs as smoothly and completely as possible.

Keep your mouth clean.

Brushing your teeth after implant surgery can be a little uncomfortable, but it is important that you return to this habit as soon as you're able. Just use a soft brush, and stay away from the implant site itself. To clean the implant site, rinse your mouth with salt water several times per day. As soon as the stitches are healed, you can gently brush over the implant site. Make sure you're also flossing. Keeping your mouth clean reduces the bacterial counts, which keeps your risk of infection low. An infection can stop the osseointegration process in its tracks or slow it down significantly.

Don't drink alcohol.

As much as you may feel like you need a stiff drink after the stress of dental implant surgery, it's best to avoid alcohol while you're healing. Alcohol can slow down the osseointegration process and healing process in general. After the first two weeks after your surgery, you can enjoy a drink on social occasions if you desire, but stop after one!

Eat a diet rich in calcium and vitamin D.

During the osseointegration process, your jaw is technically forming new bone tissue around the implant. And this requires calcium! Make sure you're eating a lot of calcium-rich foods such as dairy and leafy greens at this time. Also, make sure you're getting enough vitamin D. Many patients need to take a vitamin D supplement because they do not get enough from diet and sun exposure alone. Ask your dentist or doctor if you should be taking a vitamin D supplement as you heal from implant surgery.

The osseointegration process is an important, but often-overlooked part of the dental implant process. Yes, your body does most of the work at this stage, but you do need to give your body the necessary support so it can do that work.
