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The Importance Of Visiting A Dentist During Pregnancy

Hello, my name is Karla Madison and this is my blog about the importance of dental care during pregnancy. When I was pregnant with my second child, my gums would bleed when I brushed my teeth. I went to my dentist and he told me that I had pregnancy gingivitis. He also informed me that this is a common condition for pregnant women because their hormones are changing during pregnancy. I followed the instructions of my dentist and my gums stopped bleeding and were healthy again. I also started doing research about the importance of dental care during pregnancy. If you're pregnant, you should read this blog to learn why it's so important to keep up with dental care while pregnant. This blog will give you the information you need so that you can have healthy teeth and gums during your pregnancy.



The Importance Of Visiting A Dentist During Pregnancy

Minimizing Tartar Accumulations

by Rose Hale

During a routine dental visit, a dental hygienist may clean your teeth. The cleaning process includes the removal of calcified plaque, which is called tartar, from the teeth. The hygienist uses a special dental tool, called a scaler, to scrape the tartar from the tooth surface without damaging the tooth enamel or the gums. The cleaning process is not time-consuming. However, the length of the tartar-removal session is dependent on the amount of tartar that has accumulated on the teeth.

If you are concerned about tartar buildup, you may be interested in finding ways to help minimize your accumulations of the yellow substance. Here are a few things that your dental hygienist may suggest to lessen the amount of tartar on your teeth.

Don't Skip Routine Dental Appointments

Routine dental appointments are normally scheduled to take place twice a year, approximately six months apart. During these appointments, in addition to an examination of your oral cavity, a dental cleaning is performed. 

If one of these appointments is missed, tartar accumulations continue to build up until you finally visit the dentist again. By the time of your next visit, the buildup could be significant, and the hygienist may have to take extra time to clean your teeth.

Brush Your Teeth Twice Daily

Brushing your teeth can help minimize tartar accumulations by ridding the mouth of plaque. By sticking to a schedule of two two-minute brushing sessions per day, you can help remove the plaque before it hardens into tartar. 

Plaque only hardens if it is left undisturbed for a prolonged period. Although the substance is sticky, it can easily be swept away before it hardens with a regular soft-bristled toothbrush. 

Floss Daily

Flossing helps remove plaque and debris from between the teeth, where a toothbrush is often unable to reach. To achieve the best results, it is best to floss at least once per day. 

The type of floss that you select is not as important as adhering to a regular schedule of flossing. If string floss seems too difficult for you to navigate between your teeth, consider using an oral irrigator for your flossing sessions instead.

Use an Antimicrobial Mouth Rinse

One of the primary components of plaque is oral bacteria. If the amount of bacteria in the mouth is reduced, less plaque develops. By adding an antimicrobial mouth rinse to your oral hygiene regimen, you can reduce the amount of plaque and subsequent tartar that accumulates.

For more information about keeping your teeth free of tartar, schedule an appointment with a business such as Legacy Dental Arts
